Protestors of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza are accused of being anti-Zionist and, therefore, antisemitic. Those defending the protestors argue that they don’t...
To achieve peace and protect our democracy, political leaders and protest organizers must condemn all extremism. They must speak above the chants and accusations by asserting that we are all American citizens.
The breakthrough technologies of the printing press and data digitization allow the masses to access information. That flood of new information crumbled the legitimacy...
Hamas initiated the deadliest Middle Eastern war for Israel since its Independence War of 1948.
The Muslim Hamas Party executed a massive missile attack and...
Conservative commentators and politicians attack the reliability of the "media" since they believe the liberals control it. They often point to television and some...
Recently there has been extensive reporting on how a select group of the wealthiest Americans promotes Donald Trump's accusation that he won the election,...
While Congress was in session, the Capitol's violent invasion illustrates the power of conspiracy theories to grip average Americans.
The FBI believes that most who...